When: Thursday, Oct. 21st, from 3:30pm – 5pm Eastern Time
Duration: 90 minutes
Where: Zoom (Link to come)
Cost: Free
REAL TALK: I’ve led clients through this same process for $1,750.
Does your business already have all 8 stages of the customer journey mapped out and optimized?
No? Then this is your moment.
Because this ain’t a webinar. This is a hands-on training and roll-up-yer-sleeves workshop, DESIGNED FOR YOU.
During this live, 90-minute session, I’m take you by the hand, and lead you, step-by-step, through the process of designing and optimizing all 8 stages your ideal customer journey so that your business has a clearly-defined roadmap to turn strangers into leads into prospects into customers into repeat-buying, testimonial-giving customer evangelists!
What strategies and tactics you’ve already got in place for that stage…
How it’s going (by the numbers) at moving people along to the next stage…
What’s weak at each stage (or flat out missing) #noshamezone…
And we’ll generate killer ideas for strategies and tactics to put in place to strengthen each stage…
…a clear, actionable plan for exactly what you need to put in place for all 8 stages along your entire customer journey to generate more revenue and profit, have happier customers who buy more, leave incredible feedback, and refer their friends and family.
Plus, I’ll give you our custom graphical map template that you can pop your work right into in Canva, print out and hang on the wall!
You’ve been doing business without the 8 stages of your business’ customer journey optimized.
You want to go beyond the initial sale and create a truly sustainable business.
“I’m so glad I decided to take advantage of the opportunity!
During our session, Tobin asked questions that caused me to rethink and ultimately revise my customer journey.
The process helped me to see the customer journey through the customer’s eyes and bridge the gaps in my customer journey, making it more appealing, valuable, and client-oriented, which resulted in more, better-qualified leads and enrollments.
It’s an awesome opportunity to build right the first time and worth every penny of the investment.”
(Lucky for you…you’re getting it free!)
I’m giving away a killer bonus for those who SHOW UP LIVE AND stay ‘til the end.
Ever wondered who your hottest leads are and how to close more sales better and faster? My all-new Hot Leads Crystal Ball Campaign template. It loads into your Ontraport with a single click and it’s like a crystal ball that lets you see WHO your hottest leads are, exactly what they’ve been engaging with and how recently...all at a glance, so you can sell more to them faster! Plus, it comes with step-by-step training videos so setup is simple and fast! And you'll get it absolutely free when you show up live and stay 'til the end!
And just as a reminder, I’m not sure yet whether I’m even going to offer a replay
This is SUCH an interactive process and what I know from helping run a ton of webinars is that if folks don’t show up for the process LIVE, then they’re not likely to watch a replay.
So if you're serious about getting your customer journey designed and optimized, you should show up live as I can't guarantee there will even be a replay offered.
Most of them have these things in common:
They skip over or don’t invest the time, attention and resources to the fundamental step of designing their customer journey. They dive right into trying to automate stuff. They get carried away with bells and whistles.
They get preoccupied, distracted or overwhelmed creating the flashiest mousetrap.
Many of them never get much of anything deployed that actually causes real results.
But here’s what I’ve learned: In the end, simple & effective beats sexy and complex.
And DONE beats “still under construction.” Every time.
But you’ve got to design and optimize the journey before you can build it.
It’s also great to have help, guidance, and collaboration from someone who’s really skilled at it.
That’s where I come in! As the 3rd member on the founding team at Ontraport who’s had the privilege of helping some of the most successful businesses to design and automate their customer journeys over the last 15 years, I’m so excited to help you!
See you there!