Deep Dive Day
Timing: 2 half-day sessions (3.5 hours each, with two 15-minute breaks for a total of 4 sessions!

Cost: $3,500 (Leg Up clients get $500 off)

What we do:  Deep Dive Days are the perfect blend of strategic consulting, collaboration, implementation and live training. 

We take your results from the Assessment and create a plan for your Deep Dive Day that’s just right for you and your business. 

Here’s a list of the various sessions we can do together during your Deep Dive Day!
Nailing your offer (for fun and profit)
Customer Journey Design session
DEEPER into the mind of your customer avatar 
Automatic Sales Machine + Pipeline planning
Optimize everything: Campaign audits 
Segmentation and targeting audit
Hot leads - who they are, how to filter and target them
Inbox time! Email Delivery optimization
Membership site planning & design 
Sales Page optimization session - a copy and design makeover
Affiliates Partner program positioning + setup
KPI’s - ASAP: Metrics planning and setup 
Skills-Building: Deep feature training for your team
Housekeeping time: Naming conventions & Account cleanup
From Stranger to Believer: your new lead nurture strategy
Copyright, Inspired Business Holdings 1980 - Infinity and Beyond.