Leg Up Services
Sometimes you ​​​​​​​want more help. 
Though we provide many excellent templates with our campaigns which you can ​​​​​​​customize to suit your  voice brand, and offer, we also offer the following additional implementation services for those who  want it done faster, or better, or just by someone else.
How much?
Membership has its benefits! For starters, you get 50% off any of our  custom services when you're a full Leg Up member!
*Exclusions apply. See FAQ for details!
Menu of Sevices
Menu of Sevices

Custom Landing Page Creation

We will build a page for you from scratch, or customize one of our existing page templates.

  • Opt-in pages
  • Sales pages
  • Thank you pages
  • Webinar signup pages
  • Sales Call signup page
  • Custom Email Template Creation

    We will build an email template from scratch or start from an existing template, complete with your signature, social icons, and all the stuff that makes your brand YOU.

    Membership Site Implementation

    We will get the basics of your membership site set up for you, get it integrated with your Ontraport account, as well as your Customer Center and Affiliate Center, optionally.

    Zapier and PlusThis Integrations and Feature Setups

  • We will integrate Ontraport with other software, using Zapier and PlusThis.
  • We will set up and test PlusThis features for you
  • Affiliate/Partner Program Setup

    We will set up your partner program for you, so you’ve got all you need to let others refer you business!

    Campaign Template Customizations

    We will customize campaigns per your use case.

    Import Services

    We will clean, import and segment your lists for you.

    Custom Training

  • We will train you or your team (via Zoom, recorded for later reference)on how to best utilize the tools, systems and strategies you need to learn most.
  • Need a guided tour of the Partner Program and how to get your partners referring? Want a lesson on how to build a custom campaign? We've got your covered!
  • Custom Landing Page Creation

    We will build a page for you from scratch, or customize one of our existing page templates.

  • Opt-in pages
  • Sales pages
  • Thank you pages
  • Webinar signup pages
  • Sales Call signup page
  • Custom Email Template Creation

    We will build an email template from scratch or start from an existing template, complete with your signature, social icons, and all the stuff that makes your brand YOU.

    Membership Site Implementation

    We will get the basics of your membership site set up for you, get it integrated with your Ontraport account, as well as your Customer Center and Affiliate Center, optionally.

    Zapier and Plus This Integrations and Feature Setups

  • We will integrate Ontraport with other software, using Zapier and PlusThis.
  • We will set up and test PlusThis features for you
  • Affiliate/Partner Program Setup

    We will set up your partner program for you, so you’ve got all you need to let others refer you business!

    Campaign Template Customizations

    We will customize campaigns per your use case.

    Import Services

    We will clean, import and segment your lists for you.

    Custom Training

  • We will train you or your team (via Zoom, recorded for later reference) on how to best utilize xyzxyzxyz.
  • Explain some examples of this here - (how to X? Y? Z? This software, or the other…what can they ask for training help in?)
  • How it works
    • We have a 15-min Zoom call to glean details (if longer spec call req’d, you'll be billed at the customary hourly rate for the call call + spec writeup
    • ​​​​​​​We deliver to you a brief spec/estimate of how many hours it will take, along with an ETA.
    • You approve or decline within three business days.
    • We draft up a contract for you and send it your way.
    • You e-sign the contract and pay a deposit of 50% of estimated hours.
    • You deliver to us any/all assets (graphics, font names, examples of other work you love, etc.).
    • We do the work and send it to you for review.
    • You get up to 2 rounds of revisions.
    • We revise.
    • You approve the final version.
    • You pay the remainder.
    • We hand off to you along with supporting documentation.
    • You are delighted.
    The Spec  Call
    In order to ensure we knock it out of the park for you, we will be scheduling a 15-minute spec call. During this call, we'll be getting all the information we can about your project.

    When we contact you to get your call scheduled, we will give you a list of the information and supporting assets we'll need you to have ready during the spec call. If you're not able to get them all together by the call date and time, no worries. You'll have up to three days after the spec call to gather and send along any required assets for us! 

    If your project is more complex and involved than what can be covered in the space of a 15-minute call (many things are), then we will let you know how long a call we recommend. If only part of the allotted time is used for the call, you won't be charged for the remaining, unused call time.   

    Got Qs? We've got A's.

    Q: You mention “Leg Up Members” get 50% off of custom services. What constitutes being a “member”?

    A: We consider a member to be anyone who has purchased the full year of access to the Leg Up Arsenal of campaigns and assets. If you’re out of your first year, but you’ve continued month-to-month, then you’re still a member. If you’ve bought Leg Up campaigns or assets a la carte, then that doesn’t constitute being a member.  

    Q: Do you charge for managing the project, communications, etc., or just for the time spent actually doing the work, itself?

    A: Managing each engagement requires time, energy, attention, and resources and is critical to the successful completion of your unique project. So, we charge for all of it! We diligently track our time using Toggl, so everyone is clear how the time got used, down to the minute!  

    Q: What’s not included?


    • Image selection - you can choose an image from our stock photo provider and we’ll use it. But you must choose it.

    • Deep graphic design (unless you specifically order and authorized it).

    • Copywriting. You provide the copy.

    • Branding. You gotta have your own brand guidelines.

    • Content. You’re the content expert.

    • More than two revisions: feeling fickle? It’ll cost ya! When we hand off the asset after we’re done with the second round of revisions, we’re done. If you want it to be different, we’re happy to revise further at the normal hourly rate.

    Q: Will Tobin be working on my project, himself?

    A: Good question - the special members-only $90/hr rate is for work that the Tobin Jarrett team handles...which is the vast majority of work we do! If, however, you request or require work done personally by Tobin Jarrett, himself, the rate is $180 per hour. This is for things like 1-on-1 consulting or coaching from Tobin, copy editing, campaign optimizations, etc.

    Q: How long do you guys take to turn projects around?

    A: It varies. Some things are quick and simple and we get them turned around in just a few days. Other projects require much deeper work, more back-and-forth communication, and management. Those projects can take weeks. But we’ll let you know our estimate!

    Q: Do you offer rush projects/items?

    A: It depends. For smaller projects where the scope is clear and we’re reasonably certain not to have a lot of back-and-forth required with the client, then we offer rush processing at the rate of an additional $50/hour.

    Q: Anything you won’t do?

    A: Our services are meant to get specific assets and systems set up for you. It’s not meant to provide strategic advisement. So anything to do with overall business or marketing strategy would be beyond the scope of the Services offering. If you'd like to hire us in a strategic capacity, that may be available (for a higher fee), and depending on availability.

    How it works
    • We have a 15-min Zoom call to glean details (if longer spec call req’d, you'll be billed at the customary hourly rate for the call call + spec writeup
    • ​​​​​​​We deliver to you a brief spec/estimate of how many hours it will take, along with an ETA.
    • You approve or decline within three business days.
    • We draft up a contract for you and send it your way.
    • You e-sign the contract and pay a deposit of 50% of estimated hours.
    • You deliver to us any/all assets (graphics, font names, examples of other work you love, etc.).
    • We do the work and send it to you for review.
    • You get up to 2 rounds of revisions.
    • We revise.
    • You approve the final version.
    • You pay the remainder.
    • We hand off to you along with supporting documentation.
    • You are delighted.
    The Spec  Call
    In order to ensure we knock it out of the park for you, we will be scheduling a 15-minute spec call. During this call, we'll be getting all the information we can about your project.

    When we contact you to get your call scheduled, we will give you a list of the information and supporting assets we'll need you to have ready during the spec call. If you're not able to get them all together by the call date and time, no worries. You'll have up to three days after the spec call to gather and send along any required assets for us! 

    If your project is more complex and involved than what can be covered in the space of a 15-minute call (many things are), then we will let you know how long a call we recommend. If only part of the allotted time is used for the call, you won't be charged for the remaining, unused call time.   

    Got Qs? We've got A's.

    Q: You mention “Leg Up Members” get 50% off of custom services. What constitutes being a “member”?

    A: We consider a member to be anyone who has purchased the full year of access to the Leg Up Arsenal of campaigns and assets. If you’re out of your first year, but you’ve continued month-to-month, then you’re still a member. If you’ve bought Leg Up campaigns or assets a la carte, then that doesn’t constitute being a member.  

    Q: Do you charge for managing the project, communications, etc., or just for the time spent actually doing the work, itself?

    A: Managing each engagement requires time, energy, attention, and resources and is critical to the successful completion of your unique project. So, we charge for all of it! We diligently track our time using Toggl, so everyone is clear how the time got used, down to the minute!  

    Q: What’s not included?


    • Image selection - you can choose an image from our stock photo provider and we’ll use it. But you must choose it.

    • Deep graphic design (unless you specifically order and authorized it).

    • Copywriting. You provide the copy.

    • Branding. You gotta have your own brand guidelines.

    • Content. You’re the content expert.

    • More than two revisions: feeling fickle? It’ll cost ya! When we hand off the asset after we’re done with the second round of revisions, we’re done. If you want it to be different, we’re happy to revise further at the normal hourly rate.

    Q: Will Tobin be working on my project, himself?

    A: Good question - the special members-only $90/hr rate is for work that the Tobin Jarrett team handles...which is the vast majority of work we do! If, however, you request or require work done personally by Tobin Jarrett, himself, the rate is $180 per hour. This is for things like 1-on-1 consulting or coaching from Tobin, copy editing, campaign optimizations, etc. 

    Q: How long do you guys take to turn projects around?

    A: It varies. Some things are quick and simple and we get them turned around in just a few days. Other projects require much deeper work, more back-and-forth communication, and management. Those projects can take weeks. But we’ll let you know our estimate!

    Q: Do you offer rush projects/items?

    A: It depends. For smaller projects where the scope is clear and we’re reasonably certain not to have a lot of back-and-forth required with the client, then we offer rush processing at the rate of an additional $50/hour.

    Q: Anything you won’t do?

    A: Our services are meant to get specific assets and systems set up for you. It’s not meant to provide strategic advisement. So anything to do with overall business or marketing strategy would be beyond the scope of the Services offering. If you'd like to hire us in a strategic capacity, that may be available (for a higher fee), and depending on availability.
