If you’re a coach, consultant, or online educator there are critical automated systems you need to grow your business.

Otherwise you’ll get burned out from the hustle and grind.

This is how a lot of businesses fail (let’s not have that for you).

That’s why I created Leg Up.

Leg Up lets you put strategic funnels and systems in place to get more leads, make more sales, and automate the critical processes in your business.

In a fraction of the time. At a pace you’ll actually do.

Easy enough for total newbies. Advanced enough for the seasoned pro.

Oh, and it’s built right into the most robust marketing automation platform on Earth: Ontraport.

Starting from scratch is for fools. Starting from robust templates is for folks who know better. Don’t worry, I’ll walk you through the whole thing with killer, bite-sized (even fun) videos. For a silly low price.


To grow, you need to be marketing. Not fussing with marketing tech.

Not another “info product” or course sitting on the shelf, doing you no good. 

But, it takes too much time to figure out all the strategy and the technology.

Then to write all the emails. And create all the landing pages. 

And set up all the automations. It’s dizzying. 

Try starting from scratch and you’re left staring at a blinking cursor. Frozen with indecision.  

Tearing your hair out. 

Or, paying tens of thousands to have it done for you. And maybe it’ll be done right. Maybe not.

By the time you do that you’ll be broke or dead. And your competitors will be lightyears ahead.

The solution

There’s an easier way.  A way that you’ll actually do. 

With Leg Up, each month you’ll choose a new turnkey funnel or system template, complete with everything you need to customize and make it your own: from professionally-written email templates, SMS’s, landing page templates, fields and tags. 

Plus, all the techy “if-then” logic built right in. 

With click-by-click training videos that walk you through how to customize and deploy every funnel and system. 

Like paint-by-numbers for automating your business.




You’ll choose the turnkey funnel or automated business system template.


Each Week

You (or your teammate) will spend a few hours each week taking the simple, clear steps we guide you through in the training videos to customize and make it your own*.



You’ll have a working system causing results for you and your business (not just a bunch of notes you took from “yet another course”.🙄



Many small wins create a massive victory. Your entire business will be automated. Across every stage of the customer journey.


 These days, “funnels” is a major buzzword.

Every guru wants to sell you their latest miracle funnel course, but here’s what 15+ years in the online marketing space has taught me: to create a truly sustainable business, there’s more to it.

Don’t get me wrong. Funnels are important.

But a sexy funnel or two doesn’t make a business.

A funnel is like a sprint.

If you want a truly sustainable business, your business needs more than just sprints.

Your business needs a full-on strategic customer journey.

Think of this sort of like a roadmap that starts with strangers, and leads them along a path, from visiting your page or your store, to joining your list, getting to nurtured so they know, like and trust you, so they’re seeing and considering your offers, becoming a customer, actually using your stuff, sticking around, buying again from you, leaving positive feedback and telling their friends and family about you.

Think of each of those like points along the way of your master customer journey!

With Leg Up, you get a suite of battle-tested funnel templates as campaigns that load into your Ontraport account with a click.

These funnels fit in all along the customer journey, so you can finally have that predictable, scalable machine that works on autopilot, to turn strangers into leads into prospects into customers into repeat-buying, testimonial-giving customer evangelists.

Because until you have this in place, you’ll never really have a sustainable business.

And you’ll always just be trying to chase down that next sexy little funnel.

Leg Up is easier. And faster.
Pick from one of these automated systems.
Each and every month.

Each automation template comes with everything you need to customize and make it your own: professionally-written email templates, SMS’s, landing page templates, fields, tags, and more. Plus, all the techy “if-then” logic built right in. With click-by-click training videos that walk you through how to customize and deploy every funnel and system. Like paint-by-numbers for automating your business.



As the 3rd member of the founding team at Ontraport, I’ve seen a LOT.  From starting and building the Customer Support Dept. from the ground up, advising on product design and marketing, to serving as Director of Client Education, I’ve had the honor of helping hundreds of business owners across a vast spectrum of industries use Ontraport to make more money, save time, and have more fun in their business.

Since forming Tobin Jarrett Consulting in 2013, we’ve designed and implemented a ton of sophisticated and (brutally effective) automated systems for some of the internet’s most successful businesses. But sophistication for its own sake is a fool’s errand.

I’ve always been concerned with what puts revenue in the bank, and time back in your day. My team and I get marketing automation at a very deep level, and through the education, coaching, and mentorship we provide, we will leave you understanding the strategies and tools so you feel confident moving forward…and we even make it fun (really  🎉 🤣  🎉 ).

I love helping business owners eliminate the hassles and headaches of technology so they can get back to the fun parts – giving their gifts, helping more people, and maximizing revenue and profit. 

And that, my friend, is why I created Leg Up. 

Easy (and even fun)

And now you can have access to it all.

With easy-to-follow, click-by-click video tutorials.

Short, fun, light-hearted training videos that live right within the automation maps. Right where you need them. When you need them.

Bite-sized videos that walk you through every step of the process of customizing each of the funnels and systems to make them your very own.

So you don’t have to be a marketing whiz or a tech geek to get this stuff done. And you don’t need to keep buying every guru’s info product either (think of the money you’ll save – I see you!).
You just need to be able to follow instructions. And a bit of commitment.


Instead of wasting ages trying to figure out all the tech, becoming an automation master, you should be focussed on creating offers and serving your clients. With Leg Up, you can get the critical systems your business needs to grow and scale in a fraction of the time it would take you if you tried to do this stuff from scratch. If you do this, this time next year, you’ll have your entire business automated. Guaranteed (conditional)

What could it do for your business to...

Get all the key campaigns you need to turn your business into the revenue and profit machine it could be? With a single click?

Quit fussing with the technology, start having more fun, and get your life back…?

Generate 2X, 3X (or more) your revenue and profit in the next 3-6 months?

Stop feeling guilty for not getting the most out of your Ontraport spend…?
Get back to the parts of your business you love…?

Stop wasting time, mired in tech hell…?


Generate more leads

Stop leaving money on the table

Follow up better

Get more referrals…

Close more sales first-time sales

Actually get these systems built…

Make more sales year-round

Save a ton of time in the process…

Generate more testimonials

Use that time to create new offers and grow…

Target your leads and prospects with greater precision

Gain freedom so you can spend more time on other-than-business parts of life…

Leg Up is different. Why?

Because these systems and strategies actually work.

Here’s the truth: you shouldn’t just believe me because I say it’s great. The internet is so full of tricksters and wannabes selling recycled information they ripped off from the last course they took and just rehashed into their program, that frankly, you should be skeptical.

But you can’t fake actual results. That’s why I am so proud to share with you the actual results that real Leg Up users and clients have shared about what they’ve gotten from the programs.

Wondering if Leg Up Will Work for you?

If you're a beginner...

Calling all Newbies and neophytes! If you’re just getting started with Ontraport or the world of online marketing and you’re wondering whether Leg Up can work for you, take a look at these case studies from Cindy Fox and Felicia Gopaul and learn about how Leg Up has helped them move from confused and overwhelmed to confident, creative and causing real results in their business!

If you're Intermediate to Advanced...​

Maybe you’ve got some good traction in your business, you can find your way around Ontraport, you’ve got some marketing chops, but you’re curious about how you could be doing even better in your business. If that’s you, then watch as these real Leg Up clients share how the program has helped them catapult their results, make a ton more money, scale their business, delegate, save a ton of time and get way more value out of Ontraport!

Here’s The Truth

I used to sell Leg Up for $7,000. And a lot of people bought it for that price. And created extraordinary results in their business.

But I wanted to make it accessible to more people. That’s my commitment.


Just $197/mo. No long term contract. Cancel anytime
Or $997 for the year.

What you get

One fully-loaded, turnkey funnel or automated business system to help you grow your business - each and every month. You pick which one you want for the month!


(when you add up all the a la carte campaigns)

Step-by-step tutorial videos right within each automation map. You'll have me, walking you through the entire process - making it easy (and yeah, even fun) to get these systems deployed in your business...without a morsel of confusion, nor a crumb of overwhelm. -


Access to the Private, Members-Only community, where you can get direct access to me and my team, watch additional training content, and learn virtually anything related to marketing automation from years' worth of weekly coaching calls! Plus, interact and get support from your fellow Leg Up community members!


Join w​​​​​eekly group coaching calls with me and our other business automation coaches! Sit in and watch for no extra cost, or upgrade for just an additional $97/mo to get in the hotseat, yourself!


Total value $13,946

Sign up for the full year and you get this $2,085 worth of additional bonus automations, as soon as you sign up!

Hot Leads Crystal Ball Campaign

Value $497

The 1-click Segmentation Survey

Value $197

Auto-Contract Magic

Value $497

Betta’ Have My $ Campaign

Value $397


Our entire library of premium landing page templates

Value $497

Total value with all the bonuses


Hot Leads Crystal Ball Campaign

Value $497

The 1-click Segmentation Survey

Value $197

Auto-Contract Magic

Value $497

Betta’ Have My $ Campaign

Value $397



The Monthly



The Annual



One fully-loaded, turnkey funnel or automated business system each and every month. You choose which one you want for the month.


Step-by-step tutorial videos right within each automation map. You’ll have me, walking you through the entire process – making it easy (and yeah, even fun) to get these systems deployed in your business…without a morsel of confusion, nor a crumb of overwhelm.


Access to the Private, Members-Only community, where you can get direct access to me, you can watch exclusive, additional training content, and learn virtually anything related to marketing automation from 3+ years’ worth of recorded weekly coaching calls! Plus, interact and get support from your fellow Leg Up community members!


W​​​​​eekly group coaching calls with me and our other business automation coaches! $5,200






Total Value:


You could do it the hard way...

You could just try to figure it all out, yourself. But if you’re like me (and I’m one of the sharpest Ontraport experts around), that will take you years.

But let’s say for the sake of amusement, that it only takes you a year to get good enough with the tools, strategies, messaging, design, copywriting to be able to get all these campaigns and systems designed and running in your business (while, ahem, also handling the day-to-day operations of  your business).

How much is a year of your life worth? How much could you generate if you were able to create new products and services, partnerships and opportunities, instead of figuring all that out?

A lot more than the cost of Leg Up, I’d guess.  Like, a lot.

So the question becomes…
why not just do it the easy way and just get the campaigns, systems and the expert guidance and coaching to turn your business into an automated profit machine, immediately?

Let’s see if the Leg Up program is right for you…

(It ain’t for everyone)


I want my business running as an automated profit machine in a fraction of the time it would take to start from scratch…

I have an established business with sales already happening…
I want to start my campaigns from proven systems and strategies instead of starting from scratch…
I know creating a predictable profit machine will take some investment and time but I’m playing the long game and it’s worth it for me to create the business I want…
I want to receive training and coaching from an expert so I know I’m on the right track and doing things in the best, most efficient, effective way possible…
I want to get confident and fast in my (or my team’s) Ontraport skills without having to spend eons reading help docs…


I want a magical solution, where results show up like money under my pillow from the tooth fairy…
I’d rather spend a TON more money and have all the work done for me…
I’m not willing to do the work to customize and make these campaigns my own…
I’m nearly out of cash or have zero time and investing any money or time in my business will be a serious imposition for me…
I’m not willing to show up and get coached on my systems, strategies, etc. (or have my team do so)…
I’m brand new and my business hasn’t yet generated many sales yet…

A Final note from Tobin…

Hey Friend!

Congratulations if you’ve made it this far!

I want to leave you with this note.

I’ve been around long enough to see many businesses (like, many) with great products and passionate leaders, but that still seem to struggle, year after year…with business owners who are more like overworked grunt workers than true leaders of their organizations.

And I’ve had the honor of helping many businesses grow and thrive. 

Helping them free themselves from so much of the hassles and headaches that too often stop them from having their business work for them, instead of the opposite.

It’s the reason I do what I do. It’s the reason I created Leg Up. It’s what gets me out’a bed in the morning.

And I say this with the utmost of sincerity: I genuinely hope to have the opportunity to help you and your business to grow and thrive.


Frequently Asked Questions

A: Once you purchase, you’ll be granted access to the membership area. Inside, you’ll find each campaign. You’ll simply make sure you’ve got your Ontraport account open in another tab in your browser, click the button, and voila! The campaign, along with all of the assets and training videos will be ported into your account!

A: The short answer is NO! Once your membership period is one month from ending, we’ll send alert emails to warn you so that your time is drawing near. At this point, you can just go into your members’ area, click the button to port each campaign template into your account before your access to the membership site is over. Once any campaign template has been brought into your Ontraport account, it’s yours, and you can take as much time as you like to get around to customizing and deploying it! Of course, if you’d like to maintain access to the weekly group coaching (many of our members find it to be of immense value) you can re-up for just $197/month!

A: The coaching is such a powerful aspect of the Leg Up offering that I strongly recommend investing in the program as it’s designed – with the coaching. Take a look at this article I wrote that highlights the value, as well as a couple of case studies of Leg Up members who share the value they’ve gotten out of the coaching.

A:  There are many automation templates (previously called “campaigns”) that are ready for your immediate use. We release new campaigns every 6-8 weeks and your 12-months of membership don’t officially begin ticking down until we’ve released the final campaign, giving you even more time to get coached and access the member area and FB group!

The campaigns that are currently ready are:

  1. The Lead Magnet ​​​​​​​List Builder Campaign
  2. The Believer Sequence
  3. 21-Day Challenge Campaign
  4. The Automatic Sales Machine
  5. The Evergreen PLF Launch Campaign
  6. The Birthday Bankroll Campaign
  7. The Anniversary Avalanche
  8. The Cosmic Sales Call Campaign
  9. The Testimonial Engine
  10. The Invisible​​​​​​​ Referral Machine
  11. The Testimonial Engine + Invisible​​​​​​​ Referral Machine (on same campaign map)
  12. The Presto Partner Campaign
  13. The Attrition Buster Campaign
  14. The Cancellation Comforter Campaign
  15. The Automagic Membership Campaign

PLUS these bonus automations as well!

  1. Hot Leads Crystal Ball Campaign
  2. The 1-click Segmentation Survey
    Auto-Contract Magic

A: Well, that depends on many factors. More complex campaigns take longer than simpler ones. Also, if you’ve already got content, imagery, graphics, etc. to source from, that will dramatically decrease the time it takes to finish a campaign. Depending on the campaign it could take you as little as a couple of hours for the simpler ones, or upwards of 2-3 days to complete some of the more in-depth ones, especially if you’re writing a lot of the content from scratch. But you can count on saving at least 50% of the time it would take to create it from scratch.

A: GREAT! Leg Up can still be a massively valuable asset for you and your business.

If you have an OP person but you don’t yet have all of the critical campaigns you need in place to turn your business into an automated profit machine (which is 95% of everyone I talk to), then you will still get massive value from Leg Up. 

If you’ve got someone on your team whose job it is to handle your OP world, you’re stoked! Whether a dedicated employee or a VA, you’ve broken through a big barrier many solopreneurs and micro-businesses struggle to break through – you’ve delegated your Ontraport world. Go you! 

Because even the very best Ontraport technician can still use a head start getting these campaigns built and deployed. 

And I’d hazard a bet that even if your OP person is super smart, there are still a TON of ninja strategies and techniques they’re not taking advantage of, that are baked right into the Leg Up campaign templates. 

Plus, be honest. Do you already have:

…a killer new lead nurture campaign turning more of your leads into first-time buyers?

…a free challenge working to generate leads, position you as an expert and turn more of your list into buyers?

…a system for generating sales calls and closing them using the full power of Ontraport as a CRM? 

…an automated launch campaign that lets you “evergreen” your launches and generate more revenue and profit year-round?

…a campaign that reminds past buyers to buy again when it’s just the right time?

…a birthday campaign that makes strategic birthday offers to your list and wins more sales for your business year-round?

…a campaign that celebrates your customers’ purchase anniversaries with a killer next offer and generates more sales for your business year-round?

…a campaign that lets you know when your best prospects are on the money pages of your site so you can reach out and close them, either with a call, a text or a disruptive, high-touch email?

…a campaign that reaches out to your happy customers and generates emotional, compelling testimonials on autopilot?

…a campaign that turns those testimonial-givers into an army of customer evangelists making high-quality, strategic referrals to your business based on the incredible experience they had with your offering?

Because if not, you’re leaving money and results on the table.  

And unless your OP person suddenly gets a massive windfall of found time with which to design and automate all of these processes, it could take years to get them all in place. 

The time is now to stop using just 10% of Ontraport and start getting consistently better results across the entire customer journey in your business.

A: I could answer this for you here, but the group coaching is such an important aspect of the Leg Up offering that I wrote an entire article about it. 

A:  When: 1pm Pacific, every Wed. Where: Live via Zoom!

You’ll be getting a weekly email reminder on Wednesday mornings, as well! Coaching calls happen every week, with the exception of the two calls between Dec. 20th – Jan. 1st

Occasionally we have a conflicting event happening that requires we move the call for the week. When this happens, we always let you know via email and in an announcement in the FB group. And while we strive to only ever cancel when we absolutely need to, if I am sick or not able to lead the call, we may, as a last resort, cancel them. This has happened only once or twice to date.

If you cannot make a given call, you can send someone else from your team! If nobody from your business can be present, you can always watch the recording in the FB group afterwards.

A: Unfortunately, Leg Up is only available for Ontraport users. 

Copyright Inspired Business Holdings LLC, 2022