I’m often asked to recommend the best systems to drive results. And while the answer depends a lot upon the particulars of your business, there are a handful of systems that I can confidently recommend that will help literally ANY business to gain leverage.
Yep, even yours.
Plus, c’mon Mister Sister, who doesn’t love a good top 5 list?!
This week, in Part I, I’m giving you the top level overview. Then, over the next several weeks I’ll be diving deeper into each of these in greater detail, so keep an eye out!
Now, you may already have some of these in place in your business.
If so, bravo. But before you start cracking champagne bottles and slapping your chest, get the ones done that you DON’T have or else optimize those systems that you’ve already got in place.
Without further ado…the Top 5 Systems to Put in Place for You to Gain Leverage and Make 2022 Your Biz’s Best Year Yet
1. A (killer) lead magnet (that your audience can actually get at)
I know, I know, this is basic. It’s internet marketing 101. But you’d be surprised at how many people come to me who don’t have this in place. Or they’ve got a lead magnet but it’s hidden, outdated, has no form or automation to allow their audience to access it. This is so key. If any of this rings true for you, just put the time on your calendar now to work on this. In Part II of this little series (Released on 12/15/21), I’ve provided a killer checklist to help you create a super valuable (and irresistible) lead magnet. Go here to read the full article.
2. A new lead nurture sequence (AKA “The Believer Sequence”)…
If you’re driving leads but you don’t yet have a series of emails that exposes them to your best content during the couple of weeks after they first opt-in, getting them to know, like and trust you, and turning these new leads into “Believers,” you’re – how do you say? – blowing it. Getting this system in place is non-negotiable. If you think it’s enough to just give away a lead magnet and then pray your new lead remembers and falls in love with you, then, darlin’, I’ve got a bridge to sell you. Seriously, make a date with yourself to get this system in place ASAP. In Part III (Released on 1/6/22) of this series, I dive into this system to share best practices and 4 best practices on how to create your “Believer” sequence! Go here to read the full article!
3. A long term lead nurture campaign
Do you keep in touch with your list? Do they hear from you at least weekly with content that adds value to their life, demonstrates your credibility, and has them feeling the love? If not, then you’re leaving a ton of cabbage on the table. Like, if someone saw your table they’d think you were for sure making coleslaw. That much cabbage. “But Tobin I hate writing weekly emails,” “But I can never muster the discipline to get a weekly email out,” “But my open / click rates are so low it’s not even worth it,” “But I don’t want to bother them and have them unsubscribe.” All of these are valid objections, but also, yawn. Excuses are so tired. You either have excuses or results (#andyoucanquoteme). In Part IV of this series (Released 1/12/22), I share my best intel on what makes a great weekly email so that you can start cleaning up. Plus, I’ll share with you why not mailing regularly is tantamount to suicide for your email deliverability. Prepare to have your mind blown.
4. A “Hot Leads Crystal Ball” campaign
If you sell high-ticket products or services and you don’t have a reliable, strategic way to A.) tell who your best, most engaged leads are, and B.) to easily – or, better still, automatically – engage them, you need to question your life choices. Now, if you’re an Ontraport user, you’ve got the raw materials you need in the form of great features, but in Part V of this series (Released 1/26/22), I dive deeper and give you the full 411 on what makes a great hot leads campaign, what behaviors to track and use as indicators of “hot lead” behavior, and a few strategic ways to follow up with these best leads to close more sales, faster!
5. A “sales machine” system
If your business relies on sales calls, you need a system that lets you reliably turn more of your leads into sales calls booked to fill your pipeline. After all…no sales = no business (super simple match). You need to be able to systematically follow up with your prospects before and after the sales call, by objection, and you need great metrics surrounding the whole thing so you can get better at selling over time. Oh, and it needs to work the same way no matter who on your team is doing the sales call. In Part VI of this series (Released 2/3/22) I share with you all about how you can get your automatic sales machine system set up and rocking in your biz!
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I was the 3rd member of the original founding team at Ontraport.
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